Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2018. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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Has this happened to anybody?
Santa Clara police pulled me for no turn signal ( yeah right). When the officer ran my license, he went into an in depth inquiry about my 290.
Are you current?
What was your charge?
Did you have a jury trial?
How long were you incarcerated?
What is your PFN?
When was your conviction date?
He never cited me for original issue. He was more interested in demeaning me and learning about me as a registrant. I don’t even live in Santa Clara. In fact he pulled me over in San Jose.
I gather from the responses that what I experienced was a “normal” registrant traffic stop. Now for an observation.
Why doesn’t the powers that be put the entire charge and final disposition on the police computer ( and passport for that matter) . I wonder if cops and immigration would take such a hard line if they had all the information.
FYI, the reply from Millard’s side in Millard v. Rankin (CO 8th Amdt. case) has been kicked back a month. Reply was due May 25, but is now due June 25. I’ll try to keep tabs on status and post as soon as I stumble across anything.
If being on a registry is no big deal, why do courts routinely allow “Doe” filings? Such filings are accepted to allow a person to maintain privacy when there’s a fear of harm, retaliation, ridicule, etc (
To quote from the URL, allowing a Doe filing may be reasonable when “disclosure of the plaintiff’s name would create a significant risk of retaliation against the plaintiff or others,” and, “[t]he threatened retaliation against the plaintiff could be emotional, social or economical.”
It sure seems to me that allowing Doe filings in RC cases confirms RC laws involve much more than just the embarrassment due to public records.
🇺🇸 On this Memorial Day, sending best wishes and sincerest thanks to Robert C. and all of those registrants who have so bravely served our Country. 🇺🇸
Here is yet another example of fudging the “international sex tourist”/”child sex trafficking” numbers. Just remember that the people who make it their mission in life to “protect victims of sex-trafficking” can never be trusted to tell the truth because they never have told the truth.
“Conclusion: Major flaws in study pointing to thousands of children in sex trade on Kenyan coast”
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is changing how inmates are housed, saying current separations between general population inmates and those held in sensitive needs yards have been ineffective in eliminating gangs and violence within prison walls.
Wow, another way to kill off sex offenders in prison. So the current system isn’t working so just scrap it completely? How can anybody in the prison system management not see this will be a dangerous thing? Maybe the extra cost of the investigations of assaults and pissed off families will make them think twice.
@AJ, et al
Out of SCOTUS today…from NPR
In Win For Privacy Rights, Court Says Police Need Warrant To Search Area Around Home
If anyone wants to read about the reality of being a RSO, go to
It gives stats on the # of suicides by sex offenders, both accused and convicted. The stats are scary. This gives a true picture of the hopelessness felt by so many. I personally struggle with these thoughts almost everyday. It’s so easy to be triggered by a sound, smell or visual that reminds you of a time lost forever. I am trying hard to keep it together until I have the opportunity to leave here forever. It is often a steep uphill battle.
“Our laws are the worst laws of any country in the world.” – Donald Trump – May 29, 2018.
Needing advice: should I heed the State Department letter requesting return of my passport? It asks very nicely that I return it as soon as possible.
Should I? Has anyone not returned theirs? Any reason NOT to return it, or to hold on to it till after the IML suit June 25 court date?
A prison by any other name
How Texas created a new for-profit lockup, which it really doesn’t want you to call a “prison.”
Anyone run into the concept of arbitrary law? I thought this was interesting. Post originated at FAC.
Journal article excerpt: “We contend that the original letter and spirit of the “due process of law” in both clauses requires federal and state legislators to exercise their discretionary powers in good faith by enacting legislation that is actually calculated to achieve constitutionally proper ends and imposes a duty upon both state and federal judges to make a good-faith determination of whether legislation is calculated to achieve constitutionally proper ends.“
James F Love IV posted this on FAC on May 29:
“The substantive prong of the Due Process Clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments secures the right of all citizens to be free from arbitrary and capricious government conduct.
Since Congress and most State Legislators have been stupid enough to place the “purpose” of the AWA and equivalent State laws into the statutes, i.e., the erroneous assertion of high rates of recidivism, and all empirical data is in opposite, the laws are subject to challenge.
My research finds no lawsuit that focuses solely on the question of whether or not the registration laws are arbitrary laws in violation of substantive due process rights.
There is a line of law on arbitrary laws. It states that any law which was passed based upon a belief in erroneous facts by the legislative body is an arbitrary law and unconstitutional.“
So I braced myself and Googled my name again this evening, as I do every few months or so; I am very diligent about keeping my name off those people-search type sites (whitepages, spokeo, etc.). I was shocked to discover that I somehow have a new sex offender profile on instant checkmate, a site I previously opted my info out of (my name still doesn’t show up in a search on the site itself, interestingly enough; I guess the sex offender profiles are separate). And by new, I mean it posted my Megan’s Law profile from like a decade ago when I first registered in that city, a city I haven’t lived in in years. And it begs the question, why now? And from where did they scrape this information? After all, I don’t appear on the CA Megan’s Law site anymore since I left the state a couple years ago. I called the 800 number to ask what was up and if I could opt out, and the woman told me they cannot remove sex offender records, citing the usual drivel about public records. Isn’t it lovely how we get such special treatment? Nothing about murderers, DUI offenders, gang-bangers, or armed robbers though, of course. Just former sex offenders. Par for the course.
I fail to understand the public benefit in hosting this vastly-outdated information, or even hosting it period, since there are already official government . While it’s true that it’s a record of a factual event, what is the benefit to John and Jane Q. Citizen of the city in question in learning this information about a long-departed registered citizen? And for Instant Checkmate to tell me they don’t take down SO information at all, for any reason, just defies logic. Do they really think they’re doing a public service? And what are they getting out of it? I wish someone with hacking skills could do a public service by taking their site down, along with those of their fellow travelers.
By the way, I saw that mugshots dot com is still up as of this writing, although they’ve apparently been de-listed by Google, since my mugshots dot com profile didn’t show in a search of my name.
Brock Turner’s twisted legacy—and a Stanford professor’s relentless pursuit of justice.
Recall election is next week, right?
If we could get registered citizens posted in the neighborhoods of legislators they would probably do something about these websites.